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Black Communion (Independent 2017)

Hailing out of San Antonio – Texas for the unleashed releasing their Deathcore extremities explosion within thus mixed Slovenian/UK and US unsigned acts from other bands returning with this new project – Hollow Prophet shall become your new trio of true modern metalheads by sounds of demise broke out from their presence as Ben Duerr on mighty growled-vocals, Jack Simmons on guitar/bass as well as Luka Vezzosi for drumming as they brought these four tracks with thirteen minutes and eleven seconds duration for compatible listening time to real crushing skulls loving metal fans within Hellhole. 

High finest techniques and extinction domination thoughts written lyrics or themes as requested towards Infernal Cleansing, Deluded Dominion pr Conjuring of Impurity going to remind you about Classic Death Metal compositions in satanic sign pentagram and prevailing darkness consuming this cursed planet. 


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