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Circle/9 (Crowquill Records 2013)

   Old story involving the past of Reggie and The Full Effect ex-member Aaron Coker brings his rotated friends cast-in for a good rocking not for the good moods features musical blasts as Isaac Khan and Chris Clark picturing themselves as Sister Of… that may not really resemblance to the popular tunes and rebel attitudes for being free because here this St. Joseph, Missouri wicked weirder trio looks like leaving their hopes to creating a new project which playing too thicker experimental cult-like instrumental tracks and dressing up decision to look creepy with thus masks of strange and scary characters like a preparation for trick or treats neighboring walks and picking their victims while performing Follow Me As A Ghost record over Sister Faith or In A Sea of Red Strands or Sister Chance that goes on and on Stoner-Rock-ing grungy pleasing those ears whom likely being a bigger fans for this type of Alternative Rock sounds only. 

Follow Me As A Ghost:

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