So the real name should be Lyktwasst but
for the global world that should be just as simple as Life’s Decay. The
Paris/France based group project that completes by the figures behind it over
the musical from acoustic guitar, violin, bass and organ to drums through
visual artworks, photography, videos as well as sounds compositions recording
to promotion and distributed as track-lists or titles with Alea for the
feminine voices, cello, harmonica, carillon to xylophone and experimental
sounds bring their blending combinations of Alternative Ambient as well as Dark
Folk to French-Pop resemblance towards martial Industrial and Neo-Classical and
Post-Punk carried by thus choir of sorrowful scares and parts of complete
aggressive instrument- additions officially for Life’s Decay recording named
Dysrieuses that sounding like solitude world of the soul eater for popular
culture without colors but as entertaining as eerie feels that the atmosphere there
generalized the public views on digging invention onto chimes or presence of
various objects as organ to strings and poetic goes possible experimenting
eclectic original fits for thrilling suspense movies soundtrack like the
twin-peaks series similarity. One with the audience craving more fearful themes
oddities via Sulvisyan, Emerance, Iristhetique, Etesse, Exalyne, Evarestique
and Inkerosa – dealt with the sinner’s activities being done by most of the former
of god’s children manipulating themselves to break free from the both modern
and religious lives of fake.
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