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Family Free (Universal Music Canada Inc. 2017)

   Vancouver, British Columbia’s four piece Alternative Modern Rock group and slightly, catchy for everyday listening with Jasmin Parkin, Ryan and Molly Guldemond and Ali Siadat producing with Brian Howe and Jason Van Poederooyen this latest recordings for Mother Mother (the band) entitled No Culture after some of their fine good releasing before this one. True Pop-Rock in a whole modernity themes and sounds that can easily be manipulated to remixes and other versions but the main plan schedules for them is the world needs to hear them and liking the music first before the band can goes back evolved to their idealistic thoughts later but for now; these are the best efforts blended and bursts out your apartment’s stereo but can invites and envying your neighbors for not knowing the catchy Pop-Rock tunes like this ten song on the record list. From Love Stuck, The Drugs, Back In School, Baby Boy, Letter, Mouth of The Devil and Everything is Happening did bravely, caught attentions from more audiences as the Indie Rock infant was born, crying and looks healthy as well as the band members – especially, those gorgeous girls.

No Culture:

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