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Leadhead Visitor (Self-Released 2011)
Collaborative philosophy and the likes for Skinny
Puppy, Motorhead, Public Enemy and Jesu to Download festivals with more
interesting attraction over animals, nature, art, Tool, Metallica and Sex/war
/pollution and mass-transit or astronomy among others really caught the perfect
assembly for Stevey Seven of Columbus, Ohio or born as Steven F Wymer making his
own instability formats of musical project over BentWithLight on doing the
guitars, beats and synths as handling the harsh vocals variation with the help
by Reese Barrett on bass/lead guitar and Jim Dooley for the live drums inside
the empty haunted dormitory that holds some kinds of supernatural and horrific
background that makes the recording session feels creepy even though the beats
goes blasting in live recording not gloomy gothic for this Artifacts. Cold,
wet/damp, scattered and abandoned atmosphere fits for the audience on enjoying
the smothered distortions and rhythmic drum-beats via Morningstar, Back To The
Machine and Quiet Life like King Of Shit and Crawling Inside crossing like the crash-fades
broken rap-music played by the alternative rock-heads group and un-ashamed for
Inverted the Blank Pages for another desperation meeting with the spirit-walker
before dark. Artifacts: https://bentwithlight.bandcamp.com/album/artifacts
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