humans would have their ear-drums broken as well as the disturbance and destroyer
sounds being produced by the track-listing Extreme Metal and Brutal Grindcore
as sicker as your imagination on thus patients inside the asylum which
describing how Insidious Squelching Penetration did their double duo
incorporating horrendous aspects via Worthless for drums and vocals and Butt
Rot on guitars; writing the band’s very fucking shorts songs of everything you
ever hated in this life according to yourself which everyone do have but you’re
not just being growling from the beginning opener Of Fervid Tongues &
Gnashing Teeth, The Suction of Rectal Exsection, Sodomising Despoliation Until
I’m Content (Suicidally Self-Raping Bleed Out), A Creature Composed of Lips
Genitals Thrashing Limbs and Puckering Anuses; Molestation Manifested in The
Doorway to Eternal Penetration as well as Penis Snipped at One Centimeter
Increments that finally, closing thus brutality at any costs and even
meaningful language that one cannot understands towards Red Currant Jelly
Leaking From a Chained Up Suspended Male Impregnation Experiment goes beyond
your nameless pain and disease contaminates the already infected off Writhing
In Darkness showing the audiences about the old-folk being attack in the night
by that mutated gigantic monster that used to be his tumor before the doctor do
the surgeon to cut it out but then, it moves and growing back to find its host
in such unspeakable gruesome looks !
Writhing In Darkness:
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