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Ode To Wiseau (Self-Released 2018)

Alternative Punk-Pop and Grunge tinged girls in a band are Anna Marie Rooney, Andrea Mocanu, Laura Drennan and Leah O’Donnell feeling lucky or free on supporting their local recent music scene for Limerick, Ireland like being not ignoring said that they’re might sounding like simplicity of The Cranberries decided to change the name as well as the music ridge over slower magnetic tunes of harmonies to the more punkish popular but quite rebellious and fresh in the making on this Buz Buzz recording from Powpig quartet of cutey young girls as recorded by Dominic Chappelle and mastered by Richard Dowling fortunes manage these sprouts of lushy garden of the future sounds for Ireland Alternative Rock scene preserved well. 

The giant wasp won’t stung you poisonously but just going to make your ears infected for more tunes like I For An Eye, Weed or Concerned to write down again and again and hopefully, prolong since here. 

Buzz Buzz:

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