Sticking with the standard musical fury and protesting lyrics as well as daily issues and more melodic solos countable enough to make the listeners interested to their sounds – the new group of distorted Punk-Rock alternative in clever themes for O Horizon feeding the intense troublesome on Hardcore to Death Rock as the hand in hand helping each other looks more promising to be done rather than combating your opponents nowadays but as the struggle still on and on – these quartet from the mixture San Francisco/Oakland – California both genders musician hoping that the written songs and crash-parted ways intentions may one day saving the communication in between and the rest of what’s being left of the planet like a climb-up to the holy tree hills at night and listening for Borrowed Time, Ours Now, Rolling Blackouts, Powers of Ten or Blueprint that could be an answer for curing your hatred heritage and fixing it with true spirits of American Punk Rock.
O Horizon:
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