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Lawless Bishop (Bandcamp 2018)

   Sting your ears or hearing within these water-coloring menus of caress intakes of the pulling hands into midnight sea and imaginable realm worlds of the drowning dreamscapes within a lone pale jellyfish becoming in shape-shifting is you following the girl’s of Los Angeles Omniflux project deeper as she will dragging your entire matured socially characters onto that series of honest expressions outside society pressures and sharp-caring disaster tales made written into lyrics of whisperings mixture of anarchy, wasted love, broken figures and the last moments whatever you wanted by Masha Zargaran whose performing, engineering, producing and writing these materials as Omniflux as Aquarelle reaches its total fully beautifies terms according to the strange statue worship and the natural background of middle earth accompanying your imagination journey listening towards this album as well as the slow beats upon PopArt-Rock Electronic and Avant-garde orchestral Industrial mixing as Alternative Trip-Hop gains power onto these ten tracks like FOMA Stylish Coma, Marx Marvelous, Body by Bernays and Relle might cruel killings thus whom didn’t trust about how great this album project sounded alike. Intense beats and odd blending sessions equals the digital images through keyboards/synthesizer based music …


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