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One Are We (MikelaBella Records 2014)

   Well, the inviting tunes of the beats via the Electronic Psydub motion and Chill-Out mostly Reggae roots psychedelica holding back the days as one might aiming for the future through listening on sunshine music, full on joy, smiles and loving with no rush as well as becoming one with the environmental as one dreaming for the reality of flying cars packed musical fueled within feelings and the rides which mesmerizing the genre of automatic/cinematic performance linking to Kukan Dub Lagan or Itay Berger project that browsing his double heritage of both Israel and Italy on how to describes Spy-Chill-Out stylized thru Kukan dUb Lagan within this multi-formats in Downtempo/Dub/Reggae rhythmic for Sunshine Music For Smiling People not those sour-faced one. Birds can be looked like butterflies while the harmony peace reaching your inner to higher firmaments as hope and wishes seems to be awkwardly, permanent inside the music realm while your ears being refreshed by Akulaba (Flying Car), Cats in The Alley, Rush (“Stretch Me” Mix) onto A Reflection of a Kung Fu Man makes things ordinary flips like a good pancake creating sweet living like going with your family and shop at the plaza.

Sunshine Music For Smiling People:

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