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Watch Flop Around Me (Steinklang Industries 2017)

   Horrible solo outfit singing by an old man helplessly trying not to sounded wiser but gathered misinformation among the resemblance obedience ghostly figures filling in the long bench inside the abandoned church place or perhaps, it is the leper unites service on dreadful Sunday story which delivers those transparent Ambient experimental darker off Schloss Tegal’s Procession of The Dead (Undead) recording needing not to be sold out but facing your reality horror tales by re-inventing the opening gates of hell within this twenty-five availability copies on the taste creeper via those five minutes and forty-nine opener tracks to the next one by the lasted ends of four minutes and forty-five seconds as your fear operating system alerts for malfunctions and scare jumps in the latecomers masked-members cult-calendar where the falls seems to be scarier this year.

Procession of The Dead (Undead):

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