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Barbad’s Glory (Not On Label 2016)

   Was the crown prince divine warrior of ancient Persia supporting prophet Zartosht or Zarahustra in chains armory fought many apostasy and enemies within and abroad with the binding powers over demons and magician as Esfandiyar or اسفندیار again becoming timeless literature over centuries of prosperity, great disaster, the tumbling of rulers and religious sectarian wars and differences in Iranian history. Akvan alias Vizaresa believes that within this Black Metal project could bringing back the days of total supreme dignity for Iran as the Dubai, UEA’s metal-heads solo album recording artist definitely, gives his works on thus six minutes and fourteen seconds extremely performing vocals, Iranian tar, guitars and battery serving us the formula naming symbolized by the missions to kill the wolves and the monstrous beasty creatures in the way to heavenly paradise kingdom establishment as the priceless traditional tunes metallic and beauty dangerous too close to touch by the modern society but not forbidden to change the entire composition of your lame membrane in better mixture musical includes the next number two tracks listed for shortened two minutes and thirty-seven seconds atmospherically dreamy Black Metal dimension bringer to be loved awaken the consciousness. 


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