Los Angeles
branding old to new of non-polished American Punk Rock roaming the underground
club, tunnel towns and the streets as protesting the surroundings and
themselves as screaming aloud and fast music bashing your ears and ear-rings as
well with the led cohorts by Abraham Garcia and Gaby (former
Tubercolosis,Sadicos, The Dark, Asko etc) coming frontal via their debut mini
recording with the wiser questioning title – Where Do We Go ? that blasting
real reality Punk Rock formats like It’s Not Right or Alone with monotonous,
short durations and simple/raw and angry music/lyrics that might making your
day changed to worst from worse.
As the cover artworks telling the same
meaningless populations turning to nations turning to politicians and turning
powerful and rich; Strangers (the band) seems to already experiencing their own
poverty and un-wealthy conditions same like millions of homeless and the
unfortunate or hopeless personalities living in the street of America and died
there as well unnoticed !
Where Do We Go:
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