As mysterious and calmed down figure as he looks like his younger father version (with longer hair) and Dhani Harrison brought to keep his old legacy off his beloved and legendary pops – George and his mom Olivia Harrison and the son guitarist of The Beatles guitar player and within the alias of Ayrton Wilbury for groups like Fistful of Mercy, Thenewno2 and such; Dhani shall be releasing his own free materials and may offending the authority whom dislike his dad ‘s ideas of Hinduism, Yoga-spiritual and Christianity all becomes one just like the territory that Dhani enters with his soloist record for In///Parallel that concentrates towards the mesmerizing Rock Pop Electronic to Alternative eastern-mystical admirations and reflective tracks written and arranged by the man himself for the cause and effects and the memorable ties on a greater good meant to be releasing within Downtown Tigers, #WarOnFalse, Ulfur Resurrection, London Water and Poseidon (Keep Me Safe) that urges the audience onto remembrance about the past lives of The Beatles era by making from Yellow Submarine, The White Album onto The Sergeant Pepper Lonely Heart Club guarded the environments by Summertime Police and strange beats or monogamy vibes that we will Never Know but All About Waiting for the days to end shortly or stops in permanent for us breathing.
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