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Banjo Frenzy (Mondo Media 1999)

   First thing caution: this cute animated cartoon characters television series is a perfect disguises for children themes show but actually, fully gore and adult oriented as the creations of the American-canadian artists Aubrey Ankrum and Rhode Montijo also Kenn Navarro as develops onto graphic motions of violence displaying the harmony atmosphere (as usual intro) about anthropomorphic forest animals such as squirrels, rabbits to moose and deer and many more ARE NOT suitable for kids as the story goes on the simple acts driven to scissor mutilations, eye-poking with melee stuff, bleeding hard after stabbing, death by tortures and inflicted pain related kinds of activity that may bursts yourself into big laughs but merely, disgusting to watch. Dark comedy, horror, splatter guts and creative ideas always happening between the main characters of Happy Tree Friends series such as Lumpy, Splendid, Cuddles, Flippy, Giggles, Petunia and Flaky or Sniffles and Disco Bear goes on and on showing their best carnage killings towards other characters in it. Awarded for best animation short film, short film of the net to television series for adults means that every time you hear them funny/silly Theme Song along to the show of those “Doo Bee Doo Ba Doo Bee Doo” and the background stupid “Do Do Do Do Do De-Do Do Doo” altogether on the tube means only one thing… La La La La La Part 1 or 2 (by rj Eleven) just inches or seconds away from the bloodbath horrendous where Toothy were slaughtered and screaming painful results Royal Flush episode noisy Baa voice of Lammy dies. Don’t hold your breath and these animals joking about human infecting behavior brought to them from summer camping near the woods. 


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