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Falicon (Upupa Produzioni 2015)

   Francesco Molinari brought electric guitars as well as Daniele Maini on drums-set hailing themselves either from big city or around Finale Emilia, Italy as a duo of experimental Math-Rock meets Noise-punk to Alternative Rock distorted softener sounds available by the cause on eight tracks-selections releasing tunes and artworks of musical balance made by only two rhythmic and melodious ensemble as simple as the following steps over The White Stripes or The Ting-Tings but here you might find how technical the essential performers with their friend’s baritone guitar and vocals from Stefano Pilia and Matteo Sgrabi helping Mood (the duo) releasing the self-titled record displaying the fire-breathing yellow rubber duck guarding his master feet on shallow water of green liquid tells the story about gentlemen suits, other bands, the global issues and third voiceless countries telling tales of their own to the modern moderates and advance wealth metro-cities or the roadie tours schedule while enjoying the sad-based instrumentals sound via 15 Minutes, Sick Pride Nice Vibe, Inclination Hour, Supernova to M.W and Room 204 crowning the colors to your guilty heads for being consumptive.


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