Comprising the members of David Haley, Jason Peppiatt, Joe Haley to Todd Stern and Zdenek Simecek that formatting these Hobart, Tasmania late ninety-nine era Technical Death Metal band as surviving for a decade to then awakening again on portrayed of the image of hell fire lake and surroundings as the sinner fall-jump as their pleased to go to that place in threatening to naked conditions while satan’s laughing not to mock but gaining his soldiers of lost souls as together waving the flag of eternal battle against the lights once again as Psycroptic releasing this new millennium present-futurist As Kingdom Drowns that blasting the highly, metallic and by brutalism – banging the drums for wars once again as the solo guitars licks and poisoning the ears of the audiences very quick. Frozen Gaze, Deadlands, Upon These Stones, Beyond The Black and Momentum of The Void or You Belong Here Below as Directive – open the intricate of head-nuts to either insanely moshing the caught or cutting some heads under the growler roars fucking louder towards you !
As dark hooded figures await ...
As The Kingdom Drowns:
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