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Sir Victor (Platinum 2015)

   Bordeaux’s kinds of groovy cross path music plans maybe reminds you for unquestionable influences or Post-punk special within the sparkle of Pop Dance and New Wave mingled through the essential sounds produced by Arnaud Pierret, Jerome D’Aviau, Oscar Galea to Pierre Guignard and Sol Hess of the urgency to hear by millennium audience within Sweat Like An Ape! crew as the punchy debut rocks your ears on funkier of Pop-Punk forms via Sixty Sinking Sailing Ships and the surviving couple sailors from their stranded vessel on the red rocks island and its mount of crying souls seems to make a penetration over the songs written and arranged by the band loud, pro but as well entertaining to force all listeners to do the silly dancing and free-style while Brand New Shoes, Lovely, Parents to City Lights, Letter, Films and Swim really play to your stereo designed device this Sunday afternoon over the lonely planet surroundings and the vocalist whom sounding like Robert Smith mixed with The Killers show. 

Sixty Sinking Sailing Ships:

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