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Toast 04:57 (Self-Released 2012)

   No smartphone’s apps cannot teach the wilderness bear clan how to be civilized but through kinds of experiment of good intentions from low-lifer streaming experts as these Columbus – Ohio musician and their multi-instrumental jobs as well as The Beers had the lesson for drinking as parts of their studying for collecting tamed furry giants from the wildlife thematic tales onto the real world quality pets or friend where those bears will loving the band because of the similar name acquaintance as also behaving more human and wearing glasses makes them myopic sights comes back to normal and softer boring four songs accompanied with catchy harmony can get the seminal-instrumental cool-fresh of impossible to reasonable story just like listening time with those two minutes and eleven seconds Cassette Catatonic, Black St. the three-minutes and twenty two seconds and Bright Side subside taste played by Duke Vonderahe, john Robenalt, Michael Robenalt and J.D Bourke sending their greetings of the Surf Pop music honoring The Beach Boys to you and the sandy bluish beach side holiday weekend. 

The Beers:

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