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Turtle Sweet Mary (Columbia/Date 1968)

   Complete commencing and convincing that you will be freaking amazed through the seminal live recording stage performance from the Cheap Thrills smokey roar roader pulse fusion upon the plays off Big Brother and The Holding Company presenting their Blues Rock and mixture psychedelic guitar shows within the cruising companions from James Gurley and Sam Andrew’s rockies six-strings tuning to the rhythmic sections on Peter Albin on bass and Dave Getz for drums not forgotten to also mentioning the female lead singer that having her “far-out” voice of high-pitched levels at the time freely sending you their flower-generation spirits of heaviness with Janis Joplin’s screaming bluesy, druggy and psychy to ignores. 

   This second recording blends of Folk Blues, Rock N’ Roll and Rock Psychedelic from the past blasting ends of the sixties era of American Rock seems to be independent and force-able to raise the intentions for drug using to heroin injecting to fly high to the sky with the music praising love for the very peaceful spots inside the music itself spoken harder than politician argues propaganda to hypnotizing people to listen more careful but fun to make their own results via Combination of The Two, Summertime, I Need a Man to love as well as Ball and Chain crashing in like themes pops out of solitaire universe rejecting establishment in any format of slavery towards people’s will. 

Don’t cover your ears and stop drinking … 

Cheap Thrills:

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