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Uztemimas Dulkes (Self-Released 2006)

   It’s not their fault for the world didn’t really recognizing them as one of the fantastic Death Metal crew formats hailing from Kaunas, Lithuania where Catholicism didn’t or cannot really steps in its footprints much well to taming the pagan tribes of the land and continues to today that the facts that history brings is also true; Ossastorium’s first debut release album contains of eleven tracks and performance at high techniques presented by guitarist/vocalist Saulius Rimas, drummer/keyboardist Sergej Lebedev to bass guitarist Justinas Vabuolas may closer to the mid-term years of Metallica sounds but as the developing extremities thorugh real Death Metal growling voice takes control of your weak ears means that the solo fucking guitars and the effective progression comes and go reluctantly, entertaining for massive head-banger completed while blasting of this album can destroys the village right away as apocalypse plus armageddon themes wrote down and arranging pinned as well like grinder machine to flatten your world using In Depths, Those Alone, Every Sunset, Thousand of Mistakes and Paklydusi Vejyje that means becoming ashtray in the wind mixed with damaging demise tempos and harmonic choir ahead of Inferi record where confusing, original sins and more danger lurking from the dark pit of giant hands capturing sinners.


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