Can’t really calling
this a bummer for Pop-Alternative and silly cuter beautiful marking work of
simple recording made by a girl-empowered without sounding too much noisy or at
furious anger limit but within a deceptive complex green-first debut steps
of fledging along the better parts of her new artistic career singing and spent
further materials as collection vibrant begun by this solo materials format off
nine song written and lyrics of honest living personality talking about the
whirlwind of deep touring musician lifestyle, schedules of the daily boredom,
growing in Michigan, fixations on transitioned childhood to Disney channel to
Carole King favorite choices as well as covers Bright Eyes to Fiona Apple via
Anna Burch’s elegant vocals earning respites on non-exhausted feelings and
extra-large attentions for listening by the good audience as enthusiastic friends,
Chicago local musicians and scrappy phone band-assembly while not confronting
the Failed Flower fronted brings us these Quit The Curse which is totally
gorgeous on bring back Alternative Pop to the new millennium’s female
perspective thru Tea-Soaked Letter, Cool 2 Care, In Your Dreams, What I Want
and even Yeah You Know and With You Every Day means cleverly a lot for re-learn
on relationships isn’t just cheap romance.
Quit The Curse:
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