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Berlin Baby (Not Not Fun 2010)

   Screwed feelings blaming flames by the burning desire of fucking did care a lot session via an artistic Dace Haze Pop Electro experiments by chronicles of discotech header half-reptilian loops cabal in exiles or Jazz-casio screws grinder on top of Pop canopies limited alien-elusive works and keyboards square wave as well as bass-throbs and sun-bleached echoes on spray-paints microphones of Industrial glamour version made by M. Geddes Gengras, Spencer Longo (artwork/design) and Los Angeles’ LA Vampires a.k.a the hot sexy vocals Amanda Brown featuring Matrix Metal in So Unreal. Sharpening New Wave beats to Downtempo Electro-Rock and dressing to a permanent Hair-Rock figure completed to those dark glasses, head-band and black leather jacket impressing the tunes groovy beats before the fangs finally, bites the innocent to shreds – sucking hard and left dry. Victims won’t really aware of this because the entire rooms audience being hypnotic by the tracks of erotic stripper minds and souls of big city invitations goes on slow and poisoning within How Would U Know, Make Me Over, Don’t Dance Alone, Still Goin’ Down and a make-up box steady instantly, being used to lure you into female bloodsucking trap on the west coast suburban indie club area.

So Unreal:

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