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Bump Some Uglies (Electronic Arts 1998)

   The involvement of bikers versus other bikers on their street vigilante actions of racing track on different places spotted in an arcade-like gameplay with various options of fighting while rides the motorcycle; kicking and punching harder until your opponents fell down and die or the use of any weapons attacking like chains, spikey bat to slower down their progress is the ultimate goals on but don’t let yourself stopped by policeman because you’re going to lose plenty money as player can choose their characters of the baddest biker from start to end point with alternate routes of segments and difficulties as individuals via Road Rash 3D from artists Jeff Smith and Al Tofanelli manage to prior requirements on making the game degree controllable or slower worse conditions for the good deeds. 

   Leave your good morality citizen out from this cause today, the city will witnessing rude people racing like assholes as you're in need to finish the race and gain points and cash whilst the roaming rock-tunes listed soundtrack filled with heavy Metal, Punk and terrible Rap provides by Sugar Ray through Mean Machine, Kid Rock’s Somebody Gotta Feel This, Fat Joe to The Tea Party, Nursery Rhymes of the game original scores onto CIV, Big Wreck and The Mermen collectively complied harshly for the recording album game.

Road Rash 3D - The Album:

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