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Hep Harz Moja Dusa (La Guilde Folk 2015)

   Fresh steaming breath of holy mother Gaia goddess being released as the living can feel, see. Times of the ancient returns as one loving to hear the truth guidance through any esoteric and mysterious as myths and fantasy barely uniting onto the reality of sounds speaking over the past to showing what lies in the near future while passing the present days which wrapping within the gift of lovely, darken and semi-romantic tunes provides by the various artists of Folk-Pagan/Medieval by the closing secret community of the hidden woods and fairy and the trolls and thus dwarfs as well as the large witchcraft-ed sisterhood or druid’s society celebrating the entire traditional beliefs and sense of natural belongings whilst the different variant of music forms – from the slowest, most peaceful or eerie dweller or soothing calm onto the fast seminal blown filling in for V.A Wild Folk Pagan Vol. III that being arranged by the New York local label adding “Memories of Violette” of red-haired naked female picturing the purity of the three goddess of the maiden, mother and crone cycles as harmonic captures the heart of bravery and thus missing stories to un-puzzled within Neo-Folk, Viking Metal, Folk Metal to Pagan Metal performance by Yonder Realm on Sacrifice to The Old Stone Gods, Drenai in Gulgothir, NightCreepers’s Death to The Hypocrite, Barbarian Pipe Band, Cesair, Moriquendi and Darkenhold to Ymrgar or Rastaban bringing their performance led by symphonic/hypnotic female voices over the Gothic harmonies tuning songs describing the alarmist bag-pipe or anything traditional through out of thousand pagan tribe’s heritage multi-musical instrumentalist from the simple bang of the percussive beats to the well high-techniques sophomore bursts on riffs and metallic mayhem on portraying the patience, the wisdom, the jealousy and the wrath of our holy goddess mother earth as even there’s Electronic Synth-Pop or kazoo section leading this album compilation becoming a package that can accompanied yourself back to get in magic touch with the surroundings of all living things. 


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