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Seriola Lalandi (505 Games 2018)

   Even it is as narrative like you being listening or watch the documentary project lively on the pro-environmentalist channel as the player decided to take a chance on a diving role swum fast or slower as admiring the vast deep ocean not just waking up but visiting every corners of your dream over thus surrounding realm of watery world below as added to yourself a discovery on ancient technology on a submerged ruins and symbolic signs coursing you to follow the linear path as interconnected to areas or non-harming simulation of millions of coloring fishes in different sizes and shapes to the creation of sea-animals in a renewal spirits through observation and solve switching puzzles of this sea surrounds and marine life diversity – some you can grab and ride them. Abzu is the answer of symbiotic connection for explorations unnoticed in this simulator game to diver’s log witnessing natural beauties of the underwater kingdom and ancient cultures artworks and more caverns explorer to animated magic for the crystal clear blueish to murky deeper ones of oceanic love life based of the Sumerian mythology and cosmic ocean secret dimension can be found here as you won’t get too long to feel confuse but continues to expanding your journey by timeless – thanks to the director Matt Nava and thirteen people teams on making this kind platforms for pursuing many good environmental minded personality plays this magic game. 

   The advance musical of originality soundtrack on Abzu’s composed, conducted and produced by Austin Wintory writing foremost the granted wishes and dreams becoming reality there over Heaven Was Not Named, And The Earth Did Not Year Bear a Name, Caranx Ignobilis, Balaenoptera Musculus, No Destinies Ordained, Elasmosaurus Platyurus onto Chaos The Mother and Their Waters were Mingled Together as well as the closing track of Then Were Created the Gods in The Midst of Heaven; literary – being composing off the charts popularity but enact the spiritual endeavor feelings of many human beings keep on ask the same questions about destiny, our past and presenting bridges for the future untold like the origins and perhaps, this game could give us a taste of belonging for the scuba dive planet reflection settings.


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