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The Arise World (Metal Blade Records 2003)

   Chris Schwinn, Roberto Palacios, Thomas Laasch and Udo Gerstenmeyer heralding the sophomore acute album number five off their catalogs as Madtropolis may consisting the entire story-telling of Progressive Power Metal plus Heavy Symphonic Rock balance within the high techniques from this speeding rock-heads hailed from Germany and then, thus whom love fanatic to Iron Maiden era or any kinds of Progressive Speed Metal genre would likely, head-banging on this such a great conceptual record displaying for skeletons hanged over the entrance highway to the technocratic nation established by intelligently higher purposes pursuit of godless happiness communion just like how the band bursting the musical performance through melodic curves, evermore double pedals and total vocals which cannot easily be mocked.

   Go ahead and open your minds to traveling visit and see about what future might brings here with the experience expressive towards reminding led vocalist of Bruce Dickinson for Chinchilla’s awesome recording as the track-based on sci-fi, malfunctioned tech onto the doomsday apocalyptic season erupts to those whom did not wiser enough to keeping the balance between development and natural causes. When The Sand Darkens The Sun, Our Destiny, Headless Fools, Money Rules Everything or Battle of The World and Satellite crossing the limits orderly, unsatisfied raging powers on solos and upper choices for those keyboards lovers, metallic tuning by good sense of lesser weakness but gains the brute popular and monumental memories remains for the next generations to tell this once again to their grandsons. 

Steps in and let darkness taking over your path but always trusted Heavy Metal for the real type of music and freeing yourself from prejudice and unimportant issues which not necessarily saluting a solution. 


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