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Faceoffs Knockdowns (Loren Lemcke 2017)

   The options are yours – you damn ice sporty fans who loves to see pixilated gore and violence where players punching and throw hits to other opponents served cold as buttocks and mature topics being shown closer while best experience for crunchy retro collision witness, splattered vomiting and brain scrambling injuries spells and seizures into customize superior gaming for action sports team co-working group dominates brutality line-up for positioning, strategy and assert over ice fight to win driven by the countries choice to pick by player versus player or CPU; different uniform battling for the ball for the spectators yelling and cheers and you can even hit the confusing referee too. 

   Running around, passing to your open wide friendly space within gap closing smaller and punches thrown harder to make you unconscious and your goal-keeper doing the best he can to guard the goalie from penetrates along the four session within funny moments on ice for Super Blood Hockey keep on hardening and the mind melting chiptune soundtrack to enjoy goes on over thus Retro Beats of an Original Sounds composed by Chiptunist Shawn Daley background this barbaric sport games with unintelligible blast so good for indie genre developing only for action time of the last hard team either it’s Finland versus Russia, USA vs North Korea or even Canada contenting for full scenarios for single, multiplayer and challenge mode through Global Showdown. 

Seeing your friend still bleeding or destroying your enemy’s goal-post in big scores would make your day smiles and continue for this fatal addiction for arcade world of Brawls on sport execution ! 

Ooooh Nooooo ! 


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