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Hands Cold 03:09 (Bandcamp 2016)

   Powerful refreshing melodies of the honest Pop delivering raw but in a very tasty delicious ways to presenting by these five piece off the Melbourne narrating heartfelt group fronting by Natalie Foster would becoming your new distinctive flavors into Pop-Indie pallet this time. Photographing for the sexy pose for the front cover and writing tunes of five tracks through the EP releasing is Miles Away from Tully On Tully brings to your ears the red/pinkish flamingos and the licking on creamy yum ice-cream and further more sing along songs to bare liking while on a hot day burning needs to cooling down for everyone there as Honestly, Two Birds or All These Words given the story tales on romantic beauty harmony erasing your boredom and brought back colors on life on instant – discovered as awesome acts starting by this Pop-Alternative 80’s to 90’s travel sounds ! 

Miles Away:

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