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Junip Paws (Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation 2013)

   Like the frog living on its own smaller dull realm is perfect description to directly, portraying how the Life magazine manager of the negative assets department been daydreaming about his whole adventurous time planned to blasts off one day as he also had a crush on his co-worker girl Cheryl as the Comedy-Drama and adventure movie from director and co-producer as well the main starring character Ben Stiller in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty will definitely caught your interests to watch if the audience did follows mixed receptions and the big picture themed story started with well-known photojournalist Sean O’Connell high regards latest negatives pack images and wallet being send as gift to appreciating Walter’s works as the mysterious #25 captures or quintessence of life should be used for the latest cover for the new magazine coverts to final issue before it turns things into online status and the negative just suddenly, missing – forced Mitty to corporate transition managerial Ted Hendricks deadline with firing workers and Walter needs to handle the responsibility with Cheryl helps Mitty finding clues among other negative images alike someone’s thumb, unique ring, curved piece woods in three. 

Walter Mitty have to travelling way farther by postal helicopter to jumping on fishing boat; avoiding sharks onto leads himself to find O’ Connell doing something in the middle of nowhere inside Nuuk-Greenland or departing for another ship after losing ship-box to shore radio equipments and cold freezing weather with Clementine cake offer turns out to be O’Connell trace mapping about his next destination directs to Iceland as the disaster eruption of volcano Eyjafjallajokull as well as Skogar village beautiful background and surrounding atmosphere of natural peace and snowy rock mountain and green hills to lakes successfully finished by Mitty on old bike to longboard actions on the asphalt road but text message from NY recalls him back. Such an awesome filming and delighted modern story you need not to ask but see as looking inside wraps Mitty visiting his mom’s house finding the piano is the clues as images recognition leads Walter to his mother information about O’ Connell visits, last photograph negative inside the wallet and the discovering of Sean presence playing football with locals and photo-shooting rare snow leopard on Himalayas which again took time for amazing travels for Mitty. 

   Detaining on the airport, disrespecting Hendricks to eHarmony helping person in LA and the delivering of negative film to the management really then, saves entire sceneries and scenarios about The Secret Life of Walter Mitty wisdom-messages in enjoying the little things and lifting up lives as the great movie comes within fine harmonic tunes of soundtrack album original and various composing songs from Theodore Shapiro, Jose Gonzalez and Rogue Wave on Step Out, Lake Michigan, to Jack Johnson’s Escape (The Pina Colada Song), Don’t You Want Me – a classics hits off Bahamas with The Weather Station performance as well as Grace Mitchell, Rogue Valley and infamous inspiring song from David Bowie meets Kristen Wiig on Space Oddity – Mitty Remix tells us to never give in and try the heaviest; almost impossible first steps can be opening opportunities as brand new. 


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