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Mature Reliever (Box10 2019)

   Warning: Stealing is Bad ! and with that acclamation comes the fact that the console gaming shows you were sit in the dark playing it as parents fell asleep or gone out when suddenly, the interruption from a stranger sneaking in would be a burglar tip-toeing close by as you asking yourself about how to do something or reacts on defending yourself and your messy house resulting this Whack The Thief (parts of the Whack Games) for testing your guts and the inner brutality creative ideas for a defense skills thwart the bad guy in many opportunity choices to teach him a good lesson for not entering the wrong house or messing with the wrong kid. 
   Hilarious and gruesome not for non-violence personality to watch and play as the thief enters the room at proper range; the kid can selects different potential weapons or tools nearby and let the rest of the bloody gore results will surprising you – in such a horrific ways but fun as dish of pain served cold and painful for the thief gets his punishment death through tortures or easier stab-wounds as the using of the double kick pushed him to be Beheaded by those displaying antique Sword Decoration on the wall, the smacking and the bottle tearing his throat open, the right biter to the ears or neck to let the thief bleeding to death; the tricks like hairdryer electrocutes and aquarium or the plastic wrap suffocation, double tapping stabs equal Blood Spitting plus the little punch will counts as the killing wrongly fun ways on this game by clicking stuff you desire to choose for your defensive weaponry and burning bad guy isn’t a crime here as long as you smarter enough to stop the crime itself as the silly background music as well as splatters red blood painted the surroundings and your killer face once hit the thirteen successful means lucky number by putting the thief inside a sack with a poisonous snake might sounded terribly brilliant severe ! ... 

So much laughable for bad call: entering the wrong house with killer instinct boy easily gets angry ?! 


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