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Vents (Boneloaf 2017)

   When someone looking for the awful non-historic newer gaming for Beat ‘Em Up genre of Gang Beasts being compares to most lamest characters and also gelatinous looks coloring children funny build-up creativity and fun timing for playing punches and kicks onto some kinds of multi-players party gone wrong for only one winner left behind jumps on those melee fights sequences, initial attempts on tossing your opponents away and knocked down as sometimes; some of your enemies still manage to clinging or comes back to torturing you back by lame hooks and good wrestle movements. 
The game-play format on Gang Beasts contains that several figures like the original four colored: red, blue, yellow and green bald figurine or several other coloring figures as well as the midget black ninja, the little blue cow, the pinkish monster costume people as well as more others completing the beginning of every single fighting rounds for eight stages for six characters fit. 
   The sets of hazardous environments such as dangerous blade-floors or secret building with trap doors; the highest skyscrapers to the underground train-station as well as the moving flight of the zeppelin means more levels and opponents to toss-out for good making you the winner or the loser on the game within that fictional metropolis future place called Beef City. 
As this platform-game being stored with good cuter graphics as well as meant to play either single or multiple; the soundtrack music also developed for the party onto instrumental sounds of Progressive Electro-Pop tunes including the titles of Girders, Blimp, Trucks, Elevators, Subway, Billboard, Chute, Ring, Buoy and Towers to Gondola and more tunes from the LP's recording by the developer/publisher to entertaining the fans/players will have giving the deserving great time on you playing this and screaming in fun-based feelings for cheering out your character choice in the ring ! 


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