Closely, sounding like a the re-telling secrets about conspiracy plan and things that already breached on the internet for quite so long but nobody still don’t believe it anyway would concerning the latest contributes from marking sets on these Norwegian Electro-Pop scenery going to say here as they’re duo soft beat-force pushing on via paid tributes of a hole era within Pop and Rock tunes traditions outcome such a relentless visions over interests and possibilities results around the creative vintage synthesizers and cried-out guitar tunes as dance-able spanning atmosphere meets catchy grins of reckless dark edgy in the making by Alexander Bjorneboe and Isak Rypdal into a newest project full album – A Man-Made Sun as vulnerable, tight, monotone, New Wave and hypnotizing to the depth of your brain cells goes on through the stories like Little Wonder, Truth of You and Me, The Passions Never Change, Been Too Long, Lovers Don’t Forgive or Your Love is a Criminal (Rmx Edit) being smoothly crucifix the listeners romance failure tales interlocking and un-boxes – keeping the sanity insane in the most terrible sweeter way possible; following the mid-tempo music formats.
No regrets in Electronic combinations that changes duality hypocritical to silent bites of mistakes to make our white-lie Shine On Lover.
Goth-Wave taste like sweet poisoning Electro-tunes ...
A Man-Made Sun:
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