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Brother Codablast (Bloodfish Music 2004)

   Opens the new territory for this freaking confusing millennium renew in this pledging defiance on great style onto Progressive Rock cross-over like Pink Floyd gateway journey meets the oddities soft-side of Billy Corgan and Genesis in common meaningful themes to lyrics written led by Phideaux Xavier from US refers to the project naming after him with the other membership stamps over displays of Psychedelic sounds arranged together as recorded by vocalist Ariel Farber, drummer Richard J. Hutchins, vocalist Valerie Gracious to fretless bass player/backward messages Neil Citron, Gabriel Moffat (funeral water, sonar, space guitar, funeral voices, space beeps), Stefanie Fife (cello), Julie Hair on bass, Kramer (bass, organ, fuzz bass, harpsichord, baritone/noise guitar, electric piano and high echo voice or Tess Kramer (narration/vocals) among others behind the artistic performance leading role off Phideaux Xavier doing the lead vocals, piano, mellotron, synthesizer and autoharp/organ on the release catalogs of his number three albums – Fiendish that miraculously, entering the phase of gothic blended with traditional myths as well as pure harmonies shining through the eleven track-listed like Animal Games, 100 Mg, Hellphone, Little Monster, Headstones and Vultures & Mosquitoes which means a lot collaborating techniques require listeners to pay definite attention once the record starts and illuminates the winged figure creatures of bravery and the time of aquarius era ticking in.


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