Remembering The Ramones from Queens – New York is here to celebrates your shiny boring afternoon day via the picking of listening time for these all songs recorded and arranged by the band themselves, putting the greater pissing words and lyrics only to praise the essential aggressive Punk-Pop and Punk-Core inside this fully story of Bad Seed album off The Revengers telling the truth to their audiences whose also might liking on pogo-ing to head-banging harder follows the repertoire on tracks tales of broken-hearts, death and misfortunes; addiction to knife fight and headache problems of the modern society needs to be slammed by Matt on vocals/guitars, Whitey’s guitar play, Vader on bass guitar and behind the set of drums you have Joel and the rest of the band’s short try-out on their harmonizing vocals treatment.
Mid-tempo cross-over, semi-regular to Danzig/The Misfits attitude and further written songs of the anthemic vision such as Teen Stalker, Hookers & Blow, Snowdropper, Werewolves, Numb and Torture Chamber on keeping the hypocrites and bigotry people pay for what they’ve done to others because they’re rich and they can. It’s payback time now from the punk-rock fans !
Bad Seed:
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