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The Battle for the Misty Mountain Majesty (Jealous Butcher Records 2010)

Every Led Zeppelin fans must be piled up their "neverending" collections of cds, dvd's even posters too. Robert Plant and Jimmy Page - one of the best rock songwriters and performers on stage (ever), on records, everywhere. So, here is the story so far about another tribute for these Gods of  Rock from London. From The Land of Ice and Snow to the Pacific Northwest studio which then presenting with pleasure double discs fondue compilation covers in order to hailing their tribute to Led Zeppelin songs and music influence. Mostly Canadians but don't get me wrong, lots of these new independent musicians really know how to show to the world that they can play, can re-arranged and ripping some diehard fans' heart out by creating different approaches to marked the high hopes for a better Zeppelin's newest tribute album. Chris Walla's In the Evening, Knock Knock's Moby Dick, Carcrashlander's Nobody's fault but mine to the trippy Rock and Roll brought to you by Pellet Gun.

More and more folkish influence and dangling glass-like imaginary snowfall can be seen by one while listening this. Almost sounded like Seattle's alt-folk with various musicians from a world music community. Harmonic weirdy tunes, peaceful jangling guita-coustic and thus magic mantra lyrics makes some songs like Over the Hills and far away (Johanna Kunin & Yikes Mountain) and Stairway to Heaven (Kelly Blair Baumann) wisely fragile as for the more heavy tunes react harder in different uses of many kinds of musical instruments those are Dazed and Confused by The Portland Cello Trio (feat. Laura Gibson) and Battle of Evermore performed by Tu Fawning. If these two discs not enough for you yet, there's even better offer for a digital bonus album and tracks too for all crazy Zeppheads out there. Thank You Robert, Thank You Jimmy, Thank You Led Zeppelin for the timeless rock legacy and beyond. Start a journey - with companions or your trusted ones to go beyond over the mountain and seas, to fight the evil at the Black Gate of Mordor and saving your beloved Princess ...

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