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Planetary S/C/A/R/E (Reprise Records 2010)

    Planetary S/C/A/R/E (Reprise Records 2010) Few years after the international furor over Blackest Parade for everyone of the famous My Chemical Romance whom never really smiling happy over their re-gaining fame since the last albums release. On Danger Days; Frank Lero, Ray Toro or The Way Brothers Gerard and Mikey are back from the hiatus after several cruel gossips, intrics and boredomness between them onto more elusive and gloomed songs ready and aimed to bursts the negative approaches by lyrics on men.
   Mostly, writing about Vampire Money or Goodnight Mr. Death as well as more subversive subjects which sometimes showing the other faith of Gerard Way and co.
Be cheerful cause when every tunes seemed to carrying to much sorrows and burdens, you and I still got a chance for My Chemical Romance awesomeness by creating the faithful anthem for the youngs – Sing.
   Sing it when you’d die – sing it for the worst of  the world ...


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