Welcome to the bizarrest spooky circus of the juggalo rap sounds. Fuck, dude - you will be amazed, you'll puke and you shall never turn back after cranking this shit up - as I meant it like it is (you know what I'm saying, right !)
Meet The Malfunctioned Jeckel Brothers - Jake and Jack; hear them turning up the volume, louder the beats, sweating those hoes and bitches right between their legs for good in such a very dirty way and of course beating you up in the end for sacrificial offering or simply, just for fun.

These two clown from hell pit rapping like motherfuckers with their sarcastic free lyrics to strangled most hypocrite assfuckers and cocksuckers under the rap-rock-metal flow licks of mantra tracks as well as I Want My Shit, Bitches (feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard and Jerky Boys) or seductive tight-ass pumps of The Shaggy Show which featuring the legendary Snoop Dogg too.
It's a fun album and it's easy to use. There's no addiction indicated (yet) but if it does appearing after the show, just get down drunk with the clowns and try not to kill someone.
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