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I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, And Your Motorcycle (Metal Blade Records 2009)

   A thrash metal cross-over parody project of As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis based on his favorite characters of Terminator and Arnold Schwarzenneger with the help from Ed Repka on art direction creating this most distinguished tribute loud hammer slamming Double Brutal under the reigning name of Austrian Death Machine. The second effort delivers more manpower and Death Metal speed onto a new level; listening to this might both shocking and leaving a laugh on your face.
   Double Ahhnold, Who writes the song ?, See you at the party richter or Hey Cookie Monster Nothing is as Brutal as Neaahhh; shall turn most people ROTFLOL because of the combination between hillarious fun, stupid ridiculous jokes and anger metal mix in one.  The second disc contains of destructive covers of legendary metal thunderous already can be stamps as awesome records for metalhead's heaven jukebox lists.
   Tim actual project of "just kidding" for a good laughs turned out to be fatal and dangerous (not) only for the future of John Connor but for us as well.
Ha ha ha AaaaRrrGghhhh !

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