Consolidates for total darkness and destructive messages through their brutal music and suicidal lyrics, Halmstad - Sweden's Dark ambient Black Metal band Shining might be one of the worst to be added to your extreme music collection. Established as sickening trio surrounding them with their own filthy in bloodbathing characters - Niklas Kvarforth, Peter Huss and Christian Larsson taken their name from the same horrific sickening movie and baptized themselves with anti-humanity thoughts. This banned compilation (both for the content and the cover arts) should giving you enough answers about why Shining should be considered as "fucking dangerous" especially for narrow-minded people and hypocrites for hiding their faces behind the mask of censorshit, those who would closing their bleeding ears tight because they cannot handle hearing the truth messages on powerful hatred tracks like Submit to Self-destruction, black Industrial Misery or Endless Solitude.
Crank this record loud and learn my friends; you can go outside after that and kill everyone on sight !
Amen ...
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