J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of The Rings trilogy are probably the highest achievements written and created into the most legendary literature in Epic Fantasy history of men. Produced into cinematic movies by Peter Jackson as they're influencing the modern world and its inhabitants more and more hypnotized by this unforgettable journey of the nine companions on the first series - The Fellowship of The Ring which prophecies by Gandalf the Grey Wizard in a form of alliance between Men, Elf, Dwarf and Hobbits within the magnificent soundtrack produced and arranged by the genius Howard Shore and the rest of his musical teamworks. Highlighted on this are Enya's wonderful tracks
The Council Of Elrond; Featuring Aníron (Theme For Aragorn And Arwen) and the beautiful single May It Be. Through the dangerous journey on planning to destroy the cursed ring of ancient king of Angmar, audience will be shown many beautiful places and scenery to the slumber parts of it and the lost of Gandalf. The Middle Earth journey continues on the second series of The Two Towers; concluded inside are the rising of the evil armies, Treebeard endless discussion to the temptations of the ring itself on Frodo the main character Hobbit and the ugly Smeagol known as wicked Gollum. The companion are shaken as well as promiscuously trick by once their allies - the White Wizard Sharuman of Isengard. The Uruk-Hai, Evenstar (sang by Isabel Bayrakdarian), Sheila Chandra soloist on Breath of Life, Forth Eorlingas and Gollum's Song are should be highlighted here as a great background songs. The final battle between good and evil shall be held inside Mordor as the huge army of Sauron the most evil wizard spreading across the country and Frodo's companion life are at stake, Gandalf coming back from his prominent suspended animation to help them once again. Predominant heroic Aragon and Elven Prince Legolas are the main character for this last series of the trilogy - The Return of The King which is entirely concluded epic battles and the unification of two kingdoms: Gondor and Rohan with the help of entire elves army guarded their last cities and trying to attack Mordor as soon as possible. Best of the best tracks will beloved by many because of their stronger character built through the story itself in naturally perfection; Minas Tirith (Ben Del Maestro), The Steward of Gondor (Bill Boyd), Twilight and Shadows (Renee Fleming) to the critical times in needs on The Black Gate opens on tin whistle flute played by Sir James Galway and the epic closing of Into The West by Annie Lennox - celebrating the victory of Sauron and his kingdom of tyranny. Some are dying and lost their lives in sacrifice while some standing still to become heroes and kings of a new dawn era for men.

Finally, there's peace above Middle Earth once again ...
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