Don't have much time for sneakers, so just run outside on your slippers cause you ain't want to lose too much time for not enjoying the New York lights. Don't call a cab, just walk - defying yourself as locals not some stupid tourist and put on The Gateaway People record on that walkman, my friend. Let the cross-mix music flowing as cool as what the evening breeze gonna brings to town tonight. Turnpike Diaries is your chosen one album made by Boots 9vocals, rhythm and acoustic guitars), Honda (keyboards, backing vocals), Leroy (drums, samples, programming), Race (bass, upright, backing vocals) and Stone (guitars, backing vocals) as they're sharing laughs and tears from stories of living in legendary big city like The Big Apple. The cool mixing of Indie Rock, Hip Hop, Latin Music and Old School Funk affiliates into the dancing beats to fragrant melodies off Six pacs, Sleepwalkin' Soi Cowboy, Good Life and All About It.
What an amazing night it is, thanks to these Norwegians !
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