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Med School Minibar (Roadrunner Records 2006)


   Call it Renaissance Rock or Bohemian Pop or anything else (not important) things you wanted to label on this group and their music, The Dresden Dolls decided that they’re coming out as duo playing weirder stuff that even people from the same era would become confusing through this debut Yes, Virginia …
Not trying to filling our heads up with “free-thinkers” or any rainbow propagandas, both Amanda Palmer (vocals, piano, mellotron and organ) or Brian Viglione (drums, percussion, vocals, bass and guitars) just wanted the world to hear their creativity in music which mainly consisting of the cracked combination between musical rock drama and dirty pop opera that would sounded like a chaotic progress soundtrack just before the seconds of the middle-ages industrial era birth.
   One can hear the stagnant beats to the invisible boils fester from the Black Plague days’ comedy in a Poppy tunes satire analogy through the modern theme on Sex Changes, Delilah, Necessary Evil, the beautiful – Backstabber or one of the strangest anthem for the century – Sing …

Yes, Virginia:

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