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Dawn Seal Faster (High Roller Records 2015)


One of the finest Speed Thrash Metal band out of Vaxjo, Sweden - Ambush equiped themselves with the faster heavy riffs and power beats through the second album Desecrator which should be good enough to kicking you hard on the balls with their delivering strong sounds. Linus Fritzson on drums, Ludwig Sjoholm on bass, Olof Enkvist and Adam Hagelin conquering the double head-up shredding department and vocalist Oskar Jacobsson blistering crack wide open freshy Thrash attacks through their performance which can be considered as clean solid kicking ass heavy sounds at their best onto your ears to bleed a lot. Maybe some might already hearing them as a newer copy sounds of any Maiden's works but for sure, these Scandinavian rockers whose honestly influenced by Iron maiden, Motorhead or Judas Priest keeping their own ideas and realizing them to Metal Music which would sounded majoring better and better as it evolved too as we know it. Power slamming speed and awesome riffs can be found easily when you start to cranking this record; Night of Defilers, The Chain Reaction or Southstreet Brotherhood are those reasons why you should picking up this album !


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