Inside there you will find about how terribly wrong this recording really means to be sounded like that and it's definitely not because the band decided to recording it on their several rental houses (which actually sounded more to be recorded inside the rectal-anus la la land).
From the sick version parody for Sweet Loaf and a psychedelic unstabled instru-mental on Graveyard to the epic failure great broken-track From Pittsburg to Lebanon and more weirder mix of punkcountrymetalblues-core stuff one can dig in on Weber, The O-Men and so on.
Hats off for Jeff Pinkus (bass), King Coffey (drums), Paul Leary (guitars) and their handsome one (NOT) lead vocalist - Mr. Gibson Jarome Haynes aren't needed at all.
Get cocked and loaded for madness fun !!!
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