After the deminishing at the end of their romantic partnerships; Melbourne's originated Classic Goth - Dead Can Dance are back again for the first time as a duo of both Lisa Gerrard and Brendan Perry recording their fifth album in Quivvy, Ireland - Aion.

This enriched album led as the next following up steps for the group's previous works showing too deep thoughts and ideas of the worldwidely spaces in variety of musical performance. We would have an entertainment of World Music combinations here on this with gladly Celtic-Goth or simultanously traditional noises in various shapes tamed by the ideas interlocking the beats and the sad eerie harmony vocals on it.
Lisa and Brendan mastering the instrumentations and music written through all of these tracks of New Age's dreamy-land storytellings from
Fortune Presents Gifts Not According To The Book, As The Bell Rings The Maypole Spins, The Garden Of Zephirus and more harmonies based on the spells of white craft coven influences to share and to celebrating the golden era of Neo-classical Dark wave music for newly conscious mankind - far from Eden.
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