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Spielmann Nur Ihr Allein (Universal Music 2005)


   Equipped by such of non-conventional music instruments such as hurdy gurdy, bagpipes, traditional harp or shawm; this Germanic Medieval Folk Metal - In Extremo quickly gaining fame through local Metalfest to thus International ones during their personal touring as well and with this fifth album release Mein Rasend Herz whilst the band themselves actually brilliant enough to written their songs lyrics not only in German (mostly) but also includes some other languages; Latin, Gaelician, French, Norwegian to Hebrew as well.
   As the blurry sailing ship on the front cover mentioned the preparations of the band to move along to set sail through their Metal music journey as In Extremo gladly sharing their experiences over the past and present days stories onto their blending blisters of magical Heavy Folkish Rock that sounded solid and remarkably enjoyable for most of the listeners and Heavy Metal beginners.
   Even while most lyrics here is written in German still some wouldn't have difficulties to relates those heaviest arts of power grooves carrying the relevancy over the track-titles of Macht und Dummheit, Fontaine La Jolie, Poc Vecem or Singapur and Horizont.
   Hold your thoughts for a while if you feel like surprisingly liking them because - yes, this is Germania Metal aus Berlin, led by their respectable vocalist Das Letzte Einhorn !

Mein Rasend Herz:

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