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Indemnity Bastinado (Prosthetic Records 2005)


   Fiercing mix of brutal double pedals and riffs with power based on the growler and screaming vocals presented by this Boston cruel crew of Hardcore/Heavy Metal - Cannae shall make you thinking twice before judging that Hardcore scene never evolve for creating somekind of monstrous sounds better for soundtracking molten mosh-pit's total demolition like this group.
   Joining the Metalcore/Thrash Metal or whatever - scene but still carried their loyality for the real roots of hard music in them; Adam DuLong (vocals), Stephen Colombo (guitar), Shane Frisby (bass) and Alex Viera the superb drummer into the chaotic release of Gold Becomes Sacrifice album.
   Like a bringer of death to the weaken mainstream ignorancy, this album will definitely destroying anything in its path by crushing your eardrums using tracks like Mechanics Of Moving Backwards, Faceless Portrait to the opener Rats Snakes and Thieves.

Live the living life passions with kicking and screaming !!!


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