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Pinata Hed Jerk (Zoo Entertainment 1994)


   Parents will passed out, collapse and die on their own pukes; the righteous people shall burn themselves with gasoline for seeing the incredible blasphemous acts of this circus of Prankster Metal Comedy Green Jelly whose jumping out of control, dressing up in terrible creatures and extra-abnormal founder of a new meaning of lunacy to the Rock Music since they're first popped into the land of the free or national rock magazines. Heavy in playing a very fuckin' loud Punk Metal and other stupid noises, displaying nude female dancers or just vomiting the audience faces with jello to thrown feces from stage isn't all listed as this group controversial actions facing lawsuits in several places they've been tresspass before. Formed in Kenmore, NY, being absolutely famous through the releasing of their previous records and touring small bars to stadium and halls (and usually destroying them too) and sued by Kraft Food for copyrights issues wasn't enough to stopping these crazy mob of buffoons with enourmous dicks and creativity to misleading and molested their own band members and tricked little children with food and candy poisoning through their Hedonistic celebration of Metal Music. On this 333 album; Green Jelly still proudly presents the most hideous im-moral acts based on the holyshit book of rock n' roll led by The terrible Marshall Duh Staxx a/k/a Moronic Dictator, the holiness Cow God with Hotsy Menshot, nude, rude and sexy hot Sadistica, Mick Stadium, Jesus Quisp or Dunderhead - ready to destroy your party house club into a pool of piss and poop. Don't ruining your sound system by buying this disasterous album ever made and don't let contaminated by their contagious super terrible posters or jingle songs which included here on 333 like the rest of Green Jelly fully stupid repertoir from Orange Crunch, The Bear Song, Super Elastic or Slave Boy. Don't get trick by the advertisements, the reviews or even the totally stale Rock sideshow products made by this fucking band. This is the lowest artistic characters made from both parody and Heavy Metal amusement park trap all in one bad motherfucker record.

Just borrow it or steal from some idiot jerky but don't ever buy it !!!


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