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Sentimental Together Out Here (Roadrunner Records 2007)


   Should we fearing about something that didn't quite predictably will happens in this modern life which only exists on Sci-fi stories ? The answer is going to be relative because Porcupine Tree might exactly had the answers for those questions being asked recently by people around the world. Fear of a Blank Planet must be the masterowork recording from this British Progressive Metal band you wouldn't want to miss; six tracks filled with complicated jam sessions and particular solos inflicted by the blurry supernatural force of one supreme and invisible power controlling the limitless universe and our small dimension is just like a bundle of tiny marbles living to feed on lies and conspiracy. Not self-destructive beyond ourselves or the crack on Planet Earth should be the one we fearing the most; it is the technology and corruption minds whom made everything seems to be possible and mind control games are the main things we should be aware of right now. This album telling the part of secrets of modern Poltergeist poisons under the encouragous hi-tech of humanity and fake theories - one or two should never heard after and Steven Wilson and co. shall be the Prog Rock Metal messianic messengers whom carrying the torch and scrolls of those hidden answers through music. The lyrics followed by the intesity of groovy beats and hideous atmosphere recaptured on My Ashes could be parts of the actions to decoding the truth behind lies and insignificant of corporate companies and invisible organisations too powerful to rule over our heads preparing for bad agendas.
   The next steps must be the cloning chromosom of silent prematured new mankind with no objections but followers to the supreme flase leaders and prophets which we can taste little by little on Ansethetize. The band members are definitely beware of these kind of effects swallowed whole by the common people in daily life and for this case - Richard Barbieri (keyboards, synthezisers), Colin Edwin (bass) and Gavin Harrison (drums) shall always sounded too serious for not making mistakes while playing here. Additional legendary names are also lending their superpower talents to keep this record sane and reasonable like Robert Fripp or Alex Lifeson; echoing the sirens of a sacred trust for progressive Rock and Metal Alliance to save you from man made doomsday of tomorrow.

Brace yourself to be  fearlessly serious while listening to this superb album ...

Fear Of A Blank Planet:

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